Our Artist

Hendric Shinigami

Oriental ˙ watercolor ˙ trash Polka

Meet Hendric, the tattoo wizard who’s probably been inking longer than your cousin’s age. Since ’99, Hendric’s been carving his name as a living legend in the tattoo world. He’s not your average artist; he’s the real deal.

With his trusty Tatto machine pen, he’s been dishing out a lot of intricate masterpieces in oriental, trash, and watercolor styles. But here’s the kicker – people don’t just come to him for your run-of-the-mill tattoos. Nope, they hit him up for the wildest, out-of-the-box designs. Imagine this: fixing up grandma’s eyebrow lines or throwing down a UV Rose tattoo on a 70-year-old legend. Yeah, it’s as crazy and awesome as it sounds!

Now, here’s a little wisdom from the man himself, embodied in #Openyoureyes. It’s a reflection of his personality and his way of saying that tattooing isn’t just a job; it’s his passion, his pride, and his joy. For him, it’s all about unleashing the freedom to paint a masterpiece on someone’s body, and that’s what makes him the true legendart artist that he is.